[Amps] Mobile high power

N7HIY N7HIY at comcast.net
Thu Oct 27 13:32:35 EDT 2005

6dB or 1 S unit on the lieOmeter if you are lucky, higher ROI if money spent 
on higher efficiency antenna
plus the rath of your motoring neigbors, your band neigbors out 50 kH on 
each side and the FCC if run with no bandpass filtering

Cliff N7HIY

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Isabella" <n3ji at yahoo.com>
To: "Amps" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Mobile high power

> My amp has 4 '2879s and pulls 90A peak, around 50A average and puts out 
> about 500W +/- depending on band.  If I can't be heard that way, then it 
> ain't meant to be!!  Besides, my problem is usually hearing in the noisy 
> mobile environment, not being heard.  The exception is 75m and to a lesser 
> extent, 40m.  I really only use the amp down there -- on 20 & up, I 
> haven't really had a need to use it yet.  Well, I did use it on 20m once 
> when I was chatting with another mobile to get over his noise level.
> I can't imagine what my truck would do at 4x that power!!  It already not 
> too happy with what I got!
> :-)
> Joe, N3JI
> Philip de Cadenet <phil at transmittersrus.com> wrote:
> Dick,
> I'd come across that site and it's listed in my favourites.
> I know there are lurkers, and some posters to this reflector who indeed
> have high power mobile experience, far more than myself.
> Rather than 5Kw+...
> I still think it's feasible to hit the magic 1500w output off of a 14v
> DC rail without messing with voltage doubler circuits or 3-phase
> transformers to run AC amplifiers.
> Despite what some may think it does not take much to design a very high
> current 14v DC rail in a mobile suitable for running the US legal limit
> and some. It's all down to correct charging techniques, suitable battery
> storage and minimising loses along all the cabling.
> I have a 16 x 2SC2879 amp which I've yet to fire up in anger. One day
> I'll install it in a mobile. Plus, the only mains power supply I have
> (0-20v @ 200A) requires a 3-phase supply which I do not have access to.
> I do however have a brand new 350A Electrodyne alternator which one day
> will power this baby.
> I'd dearly like someone to re-invent the Metron with 16 of these
> devices.
> Dissipating all that heat and taming the IMD is your problem:-)
> " Son of METRON"
> -- 
> Philip de Cadenet G4ZOW
> Transmitters 'R' Us
> http://www.transmittersrus.com
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