[Amps] AL-1200 on AM

Vic K2VCO vic at rakefet.com
Sun Oct 30 12:18:04 EST 2005

rich wrote:

> To increase the output of a TS-850S,  
> operate it at the rated max of 16VDC and adj. the internal ALC  
> control for what u need.  I have been operating my 850 from 16V for  
> over a year without a problem.  With 16V in an 850 should be capable  
> of 150W out.

Keep in mind (I'm sure Rich knows this, but others might not) that just 
turning up the ALC pot on the 850 without increasing the voltage can 
also produce 150 or more watts...with a huge increase in IMD.  I did 
this once (on CW, where IMD is irrelevant) for an amp that needed a 
little extra drive.  But I wouldn't do it on a voice mode (if I ever 
operated AM/SSB, which I don't).

Maybe increasing the voltage isn't harmful to the health of the rig and 
maybe the signal quality would be OK in that case.  It's worth doing the 
two-tone test before and after to be sure.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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