[Amps] 220MHz amp info

N7KA@comcast.net N7KA at comcast.net
Fri Oct 7 20:29:14 EDT 2005

The 23rd Edition of the Radio Handbook has a W6PO designed 220MHz amp similar to the well known W6PO 2M amp. Look on page 18-11.

73 de Arne N7KA

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> Greetings, 
> I apologize for what has probably been asked a thousand times but does anyone 
> have the values for the variable caps in the W6PO design 2m amp? It appears the 
> same caps are that are used in that 8877 tube amp design are also used in the 
> 3CX1200Z7 design in the 2004 handbook. 
> Tnx, 
> Jim 
> W5QM 
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