[Amps] Ameritron AL-1500 Problem (Mike Schatzberg)
r at somis.org
Wed Oct 5 23:21:28 EDT 2005
On Oct 5, 2005, at 1:53 PM, Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL wrote:
> R.Measures wrote:
>> On Oct 5, 2005, at 11:17 AM, Mike Schatzberg wrote:
>>> Wilson, your point is well taken, it could be you are right and the
>>> final is
>>> at fault. But before investigating such a significant and expensive
>>> problem
>>> as an intermittently open or shorted 8877, I would spend a few
>>> moments and
>>> check the more simple and common possibilities first, and then go
>>> onward
>>> from there.
>> Agreed. I would first perform the Funderberg gold-sputtering test to
>> see what's what with the grid.
>> http://www.somis.org/Goldmeltballs.html
>>> It is often worth considering Achems Razor, which says that
>>> "All things being equal the simplest answer must be correct." This
>>> doesn't
>>> always seem to work out for electronics. I would hope it is not the
>>> triode........
>>> 73,
>>> Mike
>>> WB2AJI
> My money is still on Aachem. In other words, the relay.
> Not everyone has a hi-pot tester. Jose already has a new relay. What
> would Aachem suggest? Buy a hi-pot tester and look for meltballs or
> sub the relay?
Hi-pot testers are easy to make with an old neon sign transformer and a
few parts. Trying to trouble shoot a tube type amplifier without a
DMM, a HV probe, and a high-pot tester wastes time and possibly money.
> 73,
> --
> Ken K4XL
> k4xl at arrl.net
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Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734. www.somis.org
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