[Amps] 3-500z

jsb@digistar.com jsb at digistar.com
Wed Oct 26 16:19:05 EDT 2005

On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Mike Schatzberg wrote:

> My old SB 220, which I have to admit I have heavily modified, and uses
> Chinese Graphite Donut Triodes, does about 1100 PEP, sending a string of
> dits at about 35 wpm, with only one tube installed.  The Amp really
> loafs along at 1.5 KW with about 80 watts of drive.  I don't have enough
> power supply to get more than about 1,700 to 1,800 PEP into a dummy load
> with both triodes.  I doubt that the components would like it very much
> anyway.

Dang - must be long grain graphite in those tubes.  I get about 1100W PEP
steady carrier with my L4, albeit with 3-400Z tubes that are nearly 40
years old, envelope glass browned with use.

73 Jason N1SU

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