[Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..

Tony King - W4ZT amps080605 at w4zt.com
Thu Oct 13 19:42:52 EDT 2005


Below you said you were running 4 breakers, each 30 amps. Then you said 
two of those breakers would be wired with #12 wire.  If your breaker is 
going to be a 30 amp breaker, you must, for safety's sake and to meet 
NEC, use at least #10 wire. You should NEVER use wire rated less than 
the capacity of the breaker.  If you are using #12 wire, the breaker 
should never be larger than 20 amps. The length of the run is of no 
consideration when it comes to meeting the minimum requirement of the 
code. Another two runs of #10 wire six feet long shouldn't be a 
significant portion of the total project cost.

If you plan to run QRO at some time in the future, you might want to run 
#8 wire from your panel to one of the 240 Volt recepticals. You can 
still use the 30 amp breaker but if you needed to increase the current 
handling capacity later (to 40 amps), all you would need is to swap the 
breaker and perhaps the receptical itself.

Best of luck with your project!

73, Tony W4ZT

David Vondrasek wrote:
> I wanna thank you all for your recommendations..
> Here's what's being run..
> A separate Junction box off the main power with 4 sets of breakers. Each
> breaker is going to be a dedicated 30 Amp breaker. 2 of the breakers are
> being ran with #12. Each of these breakers will be wired to a 4 plug 110
> Outlet giving me
> 8 total outlets for 110AC dedicated for the radios. (plus the already
> installed house outlets) The last 2 breakers each  being run with #10 for
> 220VAC giving me 2 dedicated Outlets for 220. Please note the wire runs are
> ONLY 6 feet!!. The breaker box is right outside the same wall As the
> outlets. So longs runs are not going to be an issue. If I have a significant
> voltage drop with a 6 foot run of #10 wire for 220, I have other issues I'll
> have to work out. 
> Thanks for all the help.. Now if I can just get the Electric Company to put
> the power lines UNDERGROUND *grin*
> Dave
> -One step at a time.
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