[Amps] 2006 ARRL Handbook

Phil Clements philc at texascellnet.com
Sun Oct 9 16:39:31 EDT 2005

> > Apparently it is just to much trouble to
> > correct the mistakes ...... its is easier just to reprint without
> > editing.
> It may be easier, but this isn't what has happened in my experience.
> As the author of the "Sunnyvale/St. Petersburg" amplifier part of
> Chapter 13, I was frequently in contact with a handbook editor from
> 1999 to 2005, and they were continually trying to get it as accurate
> as possible.  There were errors in the earliest version, some of
> which were mine in the original manuscript, some were errors that
> crept in when the ARRL edited my writing for constancy of "style"
> throughout the Handbook, and some were typesetting errors.  I believe
> that all were corrected (by the time the 4CX1600B became impossible
> to acquire.

Amen, George.

When I did the article "QSK for the Heathkit SB-220 in January, 1980 QST, my
worst fear was that the final draft would contain errors requiring the
dreaded "correction" blurb in a subsequent issue. Paul Pagel was assigned to
work with me on the article, and get the thing presentable for printing.
After several phone calls, all of his questions and concerns were satisfied
The final draft was sent to me for the once-over. Basically all that was
changed, as George mentioned, were some added sub-titles, "hook-lines," and
typos. Paul seemed like a guy who was dedicated to producing a good work
product, and was most pleasant to work with. Never was I asked to change any
of the technical content.

I find that in national, state, and local politics, as well as most of the
associations, unions, and clubs to which I have belonged, those with the
largest criticism are those who offer no alternate solutions or even try to
change the system from within. We are known by our peers better for what we
do rather than what we say. My apologies to the reflector for off-topic
bandwidth; let's get back to trying to get the literature correct to pass on
to our future Amp'ers.

Phil Clements, K5PC

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