[Amps] More on RF Grounds

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at eon.net.au
Sun Oct 16 06:34:02 EDT 2005

This is a true story.

During the early 80's a workmate of mine was interested in 27MHz ssb dxing. 
He worked mobile and he ran just the standard cb radio and a helical whip 
on the car.

When he wanted to work some dx, he would drive down to the local shipping 
port where there was a very large stranded steel cable lying on the ground. 
It was about 4 -5 cm in diameter and was frayed badly at the end. It ran 
from the edge of a flat gravel parking area for several hundred feet into 
the ocean. I don't know how much of it's length was in the water.

As I had an interest in all things radio, he took me with him one time and 
he parked himself in the gravel parking area and turned on the cb radio. 
The band was pretty dead.

He said, "watch this" and proceeded to reverse his car over the top of the 
frayed end of the steel cable. As he did so there was much crackling as the 
cable contacted the underside of the car and the radio suddenly sprang into 
life. There was wall to wall action on the band and he started working a 
heap of Asian stations one after the other.

Even though I didn't really understand it full at the time, it certainly 
demonstrated to me, the worth of a good rf ground.

73, Alek


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