[Amps] Centurion Amp

Ed Briggs edbriggs at optonline.net
Tue Oct 18 17:27:10 EDT 2005

Yes - it happened to me twice. Fortuantely it was under warranty at the
time. Ten Tec said 'it must be your power, or lightning.  Well there was no
lightning, and after the first one, I installed a Square D surge supressor
at the house service entrance, and and ICE suppressor at the Centurion. (I
have lots of other sensitive electronic equipment in the house, and nothing
else had problems.)

Anyway, a couple weeks later I was sitting there watching it idle, it just
blew both fuses and opened the transformer.   They said "we don't
understand, this has never happened before".

I posted something to this list, and got back 3 or four responses saying
'yeah = the same thing happened to me and Ten Tec told me about lightning

One of the responses suggested using the Peter Dahl replacement for the

Other responses from this list were "if it was a transient, it would have
been absorbed by the power supply caps".

I have no way of knowing if there is something else going on with your amp
(a short elsewhere), but there is a current limiting resistor in the B+

If it happens again, that's what I'll do.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <n3nd at aol.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 12:07 PM
Subject: [Amps] Centurion Amp

> I've owned a Ten-Tec Centurion (422B) for 2-1/2 years.  Ten months ago,
> its HV transformer developed a 1.5k ohm short between the two primaries
> and was replaced by Ten-Tec (at my expense).  Now the same thing has
> again happened (and again it's a 1.5k ohm short).  Both times the
> step-start resistor fried as well.  Amp is wired for 240V.  Any ideas
> what may cause this?  Is it just plain bad luck?
> Dan -- N3ND
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