[Amps] Clipperton L

David N. pkmaint at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 31 10:32:58 EST 2005

Hello all I have a clipperton L
that seems to have a problembut not sure if it is
tubes or other.
Here is the deal
On 160M I get 175watts
On 80M I get 200
wired for 110v
The plate voltage is there during tune up (1800V)
But it is seems that it is not drawing the current or
maybe not enough drive. My radio only puts out 80
watts on all bands (FT100D)even at  500watts on the 2
bands it still did not get to the (660ma0 (1Kw) input
according to the book plate voltage only dropped to
1700v I would figure it should have dropped more than
Any suggestions??
PS all test were done into a oil filled 50 ohm dummy
load 5 second burst on tune up..
David KR4OW

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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