[Amps] CW and High Voltage

Steven Grant, W4IIV stevengrant98 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 3 04:09:42 EDT 2005

just reduce the exciter drive, the other method is hard on the tubes (excessive plate, and grid current) plus can genorate harmonics

Steven Cook <sccook1 at cox.net> wrote:

I've acquired an older Henry 2K-4, which only has one High Voltage setting ~ 3500V no load.

It runs a pair of 3-500z triodes and will be driven with ~100W

My question concerns running the amp at reduced output on CW and if it is better to:

1. Apply full drive, and adjust C1 and C2 until the desired level of output is achieved...

or as some have suggested:

2. Apply full drive, adjust C1 and C2 until maximum power is achieved, then reduce the exciter drive without readjusting C1 or C2.

What is the ramification of starting out with reduced drive, (like 25 or 50 Watts) and adjusting C1 and C2 until maximum output is achieved?

Less harmonic attenuation? Some other undesirable effect?

I'm curious because I've heard both approaches suggested and wonder what the benefit or deleterious effect might be of one method vs. the other.

Your thoughts...

Steve (WG7K)

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