[Amps] Screen Supply for 4CX250 series

David Lisney g0fvt at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 11 15:01:12 EDT 2005

Hi, a couple of people emailed me off list for the circuit diagram of my 
transistor stabilised screen supply, sorry I had a hard-drive failure (how 
do they possibly claim such amazing MTBFs) if those concerned would care to 
email me I can supply digital photos and a sketchy scanned diagram. The 
circuit uses two BU208 tv transistors and a thyristor crowbar. It is not as 
clever as Ian G3SEKs circuit however it is simple and apparently effective. 
I will endeavour to get some practical stuff on my webspace soon..
If the parties concerned could please contact me again I will forward the 
relevant information.

73s de David G0FVT 

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