[Amps] Alpha releases New Amp 9500

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Fri Sep 16 12:07:38 EDT 2005

> up-to-date port.  The reply was "Thank you for your input.  We are
> discontinuing the 87A line."

USB ports are not the panacea they're made out to be.  I have several 
USB-enabled devices in my shack that do not function properly, including a 
new USB keyer interface that I've been fighting to make work properly for 
the past week.

The worst part is when I disconnect several USB ports from my 8-port hub and 
reconnect in a different order.  Despite what the USB ports are capable of, 
it's always a nightmare trying to re-establish communication.  It's been my 
experience that in that respect, they're no better than serial ports.

-Paul, W9AC 

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