[Amps] 3CX1500D7 Amp

Bob Maser bmaser at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Sep 30 13:22:47 EDT 2005

I'm thinking about making a change to my homebrew 3X3 amp, one that will be 
easily reversible.  I want to try out a 3CX1500D7 and I figure that I can 
just change the socket, plug in the 3CX1500D7, tweak the tank circuit and it 
should be good to go.  I hope it likes 5000vdc.  Of course, I'll need to add 
a 5v @ 30A filament xfmr with step start.  Anyone have one they would be 
willing to part with?  I have a Collins 20V-2 sitting out in the garage that 
I'm not using and it has a dual output 5v transformer in it so I might just 
use that if none are available.

Does anyone have any info on the chimney that would work with this tube?  I 
know that the socket is a SK-410, s/a 3-500Z socket. This 3CX1500D7 looks 
like an interesting tube for Ham use.  Instant-on Thoriated tungsten 
filament, 50w grid dissipation, low drive requirements.  I might be the 
first to have one built into a 450 lb amp!.

Bob Maser  W6TR 

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