[Amps] replacement filter caps

Kevin LaHaie klahaie at centricata.com
Sun Apr 9 22:24:08 EDT 2006


What you have there are 'snap ins', which will work in perf-board, or of 
course etched circuit boards.

The '3 in an arc' will have one with a 'cross hatch' pattern stamped on 
the round part, that is NEGATIVE, and is probably the center one..  The 
other two (on either side of it) are probably NO CONNECTION and just 
there to support the cap in it's intended mounting. The round metal part 
of the prong is smooth.  The other, 4th prong will have a PLUS SIGN (+) 
stamped on it.  That is positive.

Rich's suggesting about how to mount these is perfect - mount them on 
the smooth 'top' with dabs of silicon rubber, and then just wire to the 

Have Fun, 73

-Kevin K7ZS

alan.kaul at att.net wrote:

>I recently bought some replacement filter caps  for my Clipperton L.  It has been a very long time since I've purchased CAPS, and these particular ones have some kind of mounting prongs --- four in all, with three spaced about 1/4 inch apart in an arc at one side of the base, and another one directly opposite the center ptong.  I found no mention of sockets for these, nor a template ((if I wanted to replace the old didoe/filter board and drill all new holes)).
>Anyone have suggestions for mounting these?
>Alan Kaul W6RCL LaCanada, CA 91011
>e-mail:  w6rcl at amsat.org
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