[Amps] Wanted: Article reprint from Microwaves and RF, October 1987
Dave Haupt
emailw8nf at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 11 17:37:41 EDT 2006
W7WKR a few months ago referred us to an article
entitled "Designing High-Power Series Inductors And
Capacitors" in "Microwaves & RF" magazine, October
1987, pp 97-98, 101, 103, 105 and 107.
I have checked our corporate library and the nearby
university libraries to no avail. The magazine's
website offers back issues no older than 2002.
So, does anybody have said copy in their collection?
I'd love a copy of that article. If it's scanned,
I'll make it available electronically to whoever wants
it; if it's mailed to me, then I will do the scanning.
Dave W8NF
Helvetia, Oregon
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