[Amps] Plate Impedance, ARRL

Wed Apr 26 21:03:34 EDT 2006


I now find teh web as my primary reference for ham radio and not the 
handbooks.  I do have a copy of the handbook in the shop and at the 
operating position but have gotten far more benefit while building my 
amp from the excellent resources on the web.  Thanks to Paul WD7S, Tony 
W4ZT, Rich Measures, Will Matney, and all the others out there who have 
been Elmers.

Tomm, KD7QAE

Bob Maser wrote:

>Very well put Phil.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Phil Clements" <philc at texascellnet.com>
>To: <Amps at contesting.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:49 PM
>Subject: Re: [Amps] Plate Impedance, ARRL
>>. My guess is the confusion
>>>stems mostly from erratic editing of the Handbook. Certain chapters are
>>>chosen for revision and updating each year. Other chapters, even though
>>>they may contain known errors, are not touched. It might pay to take
>>>several years' worth of Handbooks, cut them up, and reassemble them to
>>>produce one relatively error-free copy!
>>Amen, Jim!
>>We have seen many examples of errors in the Handbook pointed out here on 
>>reflector. The latest of which is the amp project in the 2006 edition, 
>>the error in the step-start circuit.
>>My guess is that c. WW II, several experts took jobs at ARRL HQ at a pay
>>rate much lower that industry standard at the time because they loved the
>>work. We were getting more bang for our buck as members of the League. As
>>they retired, their established standards of technical excellence seemed 
>>fade away slowly over the years. Volunteers were recruited to serve as
>>technical editors at times, but apparently a lot of errors began to slip
>>through the cracks. Most new hams today are not too technically inclined,
>>and only want info on which is the best performing "plug-and-play" 
>>to buy and set on the desk. The few technical magazines remaining have
>>changed their format from major projects to small station accessories,
>>antennas, computer based, and QRP stuff. I'm not blaming anyone here, you
>>must adjust your products to fit the desires of your subscribers, or go 
>>of business.
>>My suggestion to anyone undertaking a newly published project is to show 
>>to your local "Elmer", or toss it around here on the reflector before you
>>start drilling holes in a chassis.
>>Phil Clements, K5PC
>>Amps mailing list
>>Amps at contesting.com
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