[Amps] crying abt spam

John Vickers wa4tt at nlamerica.com
Wed Aug 9 12:34:25 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony King - W4ZT"

>  It is hosted by Contesting dot Com.

That one sentence says it all. Unless we are charged to participate in this 
list, it's up to the indivual to use an address he doesn't mind being 
harvested. It's also the senders responsibility to check the address box and 
see who the heck he's sending mail to. It would also be nice to delete all 
the thread that doesn't apply to the info your sending. And last but not 
least--- it'd be good to let the "Host" of this list know we appreciate the 
use of their site. Perhaps even send a small donation to keep it going. If 
once in awhile things don't go just right----"be a damn cowboy" don't start 
whining and crying unless you are paying for the service.
73, WA4TT

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