[Amps] crying abt spam

Tony King - W4ZT amps071806 at w4zt.com
Wed Aug 9 13:09:49 EDT 2006

Hello John,

John Vickers wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tony King - W4ZT"
>>  It is hosted by Contesting dot Com.
> That one sentence says it all. 

yes it does

Unless we are charged to participate in this
> list, it's up to the indivual to use an address he doesn't mind being 
> harvested. 

I respectfully disagree with you about this. Most of those that 
participate in this list do so without an expectation of spammers 
harvesting their email addresses. Just because you participate in a list 
doesn't mean you should expect irresponsible handling of your information.

It's also the senders responsibility to check the address box and
> see who the heck he's sending mail to. It would also be nice to delete all 
> the thread that doesn't apply to the info your sending. 


And last but not
> least--- it'd be good to let the "Host" of this list know we appreciate the 
> use of their site. Perhaps even send a small donation to keep it going. If 
> once in awhile things don't go just right----"be a damn cowboy" don't start 
> whining and crying unless you are paying for the service.
> 73, WA4TT

One of the best ways to show that you appreciate the list is to 
contribute to the list. There is a large gap between showing 
appreciation and having tolerance for irresponsible actions. Those of us 
that participate hope we can contribute something as well as learn 
something in the process. It is good and right to have higher expectations.

Our ANONYMOUS moderator started the thread.

73, Tony W4ZT

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