[Amps] AL-1200 Low High Voltage (HV)

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Tue Aug 22 11:44:48 EDT 2006


At 02:46 AM 8/22/2006, Gudguyham at aol.com wrote:
>Bill, I have had MANY AL-1200's.  I'd say I have dealt with about 20 
>of them over the years and every one I have had would make a maximum 
>of 1800 watts.  They were all tested into a Bird dummy load using a 
>Bird 43 watt meter and checked against other watt meters as 
>well.  No chance that there were bogus readings here.  I will say 
>however, that the tube must be right up to snuff and the HV should 
>be at least 3600 or better at idle to make these numbers.  Basically 
>I always use a Yeasu FT-847 to check all the amps out.  I do not see 
>more than 100 watts out from it.  I have noticed that the MOST 
>temper mental HF rigs for cutting back on power into a "load" is the 
>Icom line up of radios. If you told me you were using an Icom as an 
>exciter I would tend to fault the exciter, however you mention you 
>have used various exciters.  Perhaps your tube is a little off on 
>gain?  As I mentioned many times before the AL-1500 and the AL-1200 
>and the AL-82 are all basically
>the SAME amp, everything pretty much the same except for the 
>tube.  I have also dealt with many AL-1500's and AL-82's.  I 
>actually convert AL-1200's and AL-82's over to 8877's.  I have done 
>several of these.  My experience is that an AL-1500 will make a 
>maximum of about 2250 watts with 100 watts drive.  An AL-1200 a max 
>of 1800w and an AL-82 1500-1600w (depending).  I have obtained these 
>figures time after time with all parameters being what they should 
>on all of the amps.  This is to say the tubes are right up to 
>par.  Would be very interested to know what yours is so off the mark. 73 Lou

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Good questions. If I still had the amp I would investigate further. 
It could be my line voltage was a bit low. It's been ten years so I 
don't remember for sure. It was close enough to 1500w that I just let 
it go, but it was mildly annoying.

The two transceivers were both TS-850S/AT, mine and a friend's.

Bill, W6WRT

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