[Amps] *** SPAM *** Re: Parasitics & Filament Sag

Peter Chadwick g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 30 11:08:00 EDT 2006

Rich said:
>some users of low VHF-Q suppressors report seeing a  
dull red glow from the resistance-wire on 10m RTTY.  Obviously, this  
can melt the 221ºC silver-solder we furnish with our retrofit kits  
the kits--- <

That is a soft silver solder, then? A hard silver solder (which is what is meant by the generic term 'silver solder' generally) would have to be reasonably red at around 620 deg C for it to melt. Soldering that takes a bit more than your old 'American Beauty' iron!!! (Shades of a 1948 W6ISQ article, where his  'American Beauty' iron was described as getting 'so hot that solder applied to the tip instantly vaporizes'!)

>The Low-Q suppressors we purvey have a Q of c. 1.5 at 100MHz.<
What is the effecive parallel impedance of them at 100MHz? That's what will determine VHF gain.
Peter G3RZP

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