[Amps] RE : boonton 59

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Mon Feb 20 15:55:09 EST 2006

If nobody already posted the info (didn't read all the replies) the tube
used is a type 955, and it's not very rare.  I see them all the time and
have one spare for my model 59... -WB2WIK/6

-----Original Message-----
From: hermans [mailto:on4kj at skynet.be]
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 12:43 PM
To: 'carl s.'; Amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] RE : boonton 59


The tube is what we called a "gland" (hope I remember well) quite a time
ago we used that "gland" in UHF triode preamplifiers. Probably difficult
to find in a industrial environnement. A special request would have some
results I believe. Quite sure one or an other OLD TIMER still have one
or more sleeping in their old drawers. Unfortunately I forgot the code,
but i stil see it sitting in its 4 or 5 pins socket disposed
Just a question, whats worth a Boonton grid dip nowadays ? 1976 last
time I used the grid dip in our lab.
Jos on4kj

-----Message d'origine-----
De : amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] De
la part de carl s.
Envoyé : dimanche 19 février 2006 15:41
À : Amps at contesting.com
Objet : [Amps] boonton 59

   I have acquired a boonton 59 dipper. In looking at the innards I am
curious about the oscillator"tube"  !! The unit works fine on all bands
, but if that osc. fails, where would anyone ever find a replacement ???
The "tube" has no markings on it and the "megacycle meter " is connected
directly on top of the tube shell.
    Can anyone tell me anything about it ??
 carl / kz5ca

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