[Amps] QSK

Robert Chudek k0rc at citlink.net
Thu Feb 23 16:41:48 EST 2006

Allrrriiiight... Y.A.P.C. (Yet Another Pissing Contest)...

Boy... you sure can tell a major DXpedition has recently shut down... All 
the jousting has turned from the pileups to the reflectors!

But I'm getting a kick out of this as I read all the volleys, back and 
forth... The banter reminds me of the Monty Python "Four Yorkshiremen" skit 
that, in part, went like this:

Terry Gilliam: But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were 
Michael Palin: Aye. BECAUSE we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, 
"Money doesn't buy you happiness."

Eric Idle: 'E was right. I was happier then and I had NOTHIN'. We used to 
live in this tiiiny old house, with greaaaaat big holes in the roof.

Graham Chapman: House? You were lucky to have a HOUSE! We used to live in 
one room, all hundred and twenty-six of us, no furniture. Half the floor was 
missing; we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of FALLING!

TG: You were lucky to have a ROOM! *We* used to have to live in a corridor!

MP: Ohhhh we used to DREAM of livin' in a corridor! Woulda' been a palace to 
us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woken up 
every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House!? 

EI: Well when I say "house" it was only a hole in the ground covered by a 
piece of tarpaulin, but it was a house to US.

GC: We were evicted from *OUR* hole in the ground; we had to go and live in 
a lake!

TG: You were lucky to have a LAKE! There were a hundred and sixty of us 
living in a small shoebox in the middle of the road.

MP: Cardboard box?

TG: Aye.

So carry on Bruce's... you guys are very entertaining!  :-)

73 de Bob - K0RC

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Isabella" <n3ji at yahoo.com>
To: "Amps" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] QSK

> You really need to lighten up.
>  What you don't see in that pic is my HB Viking II clone, Meck T-60, 
> HQ-170, etc., etc.  Be careful judging from a single pic on QRZ...
>  And actually, the pic is a little old.  I now have a HB AMD 3000 mid-size 
> tower with flat panel display.
>  But, if you want to knit-pick, I'll be glad to.  Making 180 Qs per hour 
> of "5NN... QRZ?" by pressing a single button is prestigious in what way???
>  I enjoy contesting occasionally too, so I say that only to make a point. 
> In "contest mode" I use computerized logging SW and DX spots when allowed, 
> too.  I guess you can't bring yourself to see that sometimes, compete 
> automation where the operator is just about totally out of the picture is 
> going a bit far...  But that's okay -- if you enjoy that, go for it!!  I 
> have no problem with that.  I enjoy AM, (e)SSB, PSK, CW, Contesting, 
> Ragchews, VHF/UHF all-mode, Satellite....the list goes on...  Feel free to 
> continue with what trips your trigger -- I will.
>  If what I said was "out of line", you certainly haven't proven to be "in 
> line".  Making fun of something others like to do speaks volumes.  I 
> suppose only facets of Amateur Radio you enjoy should take precedent over 
> others?  Should AM or eSSB (or any other mode you don't care to 
> participate in) be made illegal because *YOU* don't enjoy it?  See where 
> this can lead?  QRP??  Nah, life's too short...
>  There's plenty of room for us all.  Sniping on each other while 
> technology giants eye our spectrum ( 
> http://www.infoworld.com/article/06/02/22/75812_HNradiospectrum_1.html ) 
> only one place -- fishing.  Because once all our radio gear become 
> literally boat anchors, that's where you'll find me -- out on the water 
> soaking up the sun & maybe a few suds while I wet a line with my Henry 
> firmly holding my boat in place...
>  :-)
>  Joe
>  PS -- Please don't take this personally.  I've really been grinning the 
> whole time...
> Jim Kearman <jkearman at att.net> wrote:
> From: Joe Isabella
>> Effortless contacts are quickly forgotten, at least in my mind.
> Hams who have done much CW DXing know that hitting the button at the right 
> instant can make the difference. I don't equate current levels of station 
> automation with "effortless" by any stretch.
>> If the PC is doing all the work, maybe the QSL card and DX award 
>> certificate
>> should have "Dell Dimension" as the operator, not your callsign.
> I guess it depends on how you define "all the work." You won't win a 
> contest with a PC-driven station connected to a wet piece of string. 
> Stations win contests win because the owners put in a great deal of 
> effort, building the station and learning to operate it, long before they 
> booted up their PCs. I'm not aware of any software that can reliably 
> extract callsigns from pileups, either voice or CW. AFAIK that is still 
> being done by the software between the operator's ears. Making 180 Qs an 
> hour is somewhat more difficult than listening to the OTs on 3880 or 7290, 
> regardless of the technology in your shack.
> I notice a Henry amplifier in your shack photo at QRZ. Don't you think 
> using an amplifier makes it a little too easy? I see a ricebox and a 
> laptop, too. If you equate having fun with busting your chops, why 
> compromise? Seems to me that glowbug QRP would be more to your liking.
> 73,
> Jim, KR1S
> http://kr1s.kearman.com/
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