[Amps] How about this furnace?

pa3duv@planet.nl pa3duv at planet.nl
Mon Jan 2 06:19:21 EST 2006


On the EU mainland 20 kW input @3 phase mains with 400 VAC between the 
phases will result in 17 A per phase. 
I reckon from am a standard house mains inlet one can run a 30 kW 
amplifier and use the dishwasher, microwave and cook a decent stir fry 
wok at the same time.

A RF tetrode in class AB1 @ 30 kw could deliver approx 20 kW RF output. 
The 10 kW loss in heat could be used to heat ones house. My 7.5 kW 
woodburner is sufficient to heat my house at -10 degrees C ambient 
temperatures so 10 kW from the amplifier should be more than 

Cheers, Dick Knol

----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Peter Chadwick <g3rzp at g3rzp.wanadoo.co.uk>
Datum: maandag, januari 2, 2006 10:57 am
Onderwerp: Re: [Amps] How about this furnace?

> What puzzles me about this size amp in ham use is where you get 
> the AC power from for it. If you ran it at full whack, you'd be 
> needing to peak around 20kW from the mains, or around 100 amps 
> from a single phase on 220volts. (let's not imagine running it 
> from 115!) So you'd probably need 3 phase, which isn't standard 
> domestically..... Running it 'conservative' still means a lot of 
> filament power - 781 watts, according to my Eimac data.
> So for emergency comms, you'd need a damn big generator - or 
> battery (sic), while for 'normal' use, you need to be pretty well 
> heeled just to pay the electricity bill.
> Antenna requirements at this sort of power level are a problem, 
> too, with flashovers, corona and all sorts of difficulties.
> Life may be too short for QRP, but the difficulties of this sort 
> of level of QRO start getting a bit much for an amateur installation.
> 73
> Peter G3RZP
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