Re: [Amps] Is solid Cu 600VAC house wire, good for tank  toroids? pa3duv at
Thu Jan 5 04:53:22 EST 2006


How about silicone insulated wire.
At least the temp rating of that kind of insulatiuon is not too far off 
the PTFE.

Cheers, Dick

----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Peter Chadwick <g3rzp at>
Datum: donderdag, januari 5, 2006 10:45 am
Onderwerp: Re: [Amps] Is solid Cu 600VAC house wire, good for 
tank  toroids?

> Figure that you'll have the HV minus around 400 to 1000 volts 
> (depending on tube etc) across the coil. PVC is pretty lossy, and 
> nylon isn't any better. My feeling is that you're well on the way 
> for some acrid smoke and a few fireworks. I've seen the results of 
> trying to use 600 volt rated wire for the taps on a tank coil for 
> a 2 MHz marine radio. That had 3 6146Bs in and was rated at 100 
> PEP watts out. It was the CEO who insisted that PVC was used - 
> much cheaper!: engineering (me) said we needed Teflon insulated 
> wire. we went to Teflon......
> 73
> Peter G3RZP
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