Re: [Amps] Is solid Cu 600VAC house wire, good for tank  toroids?

R.Measures r at
Thu Jan 5 06:49:10 EST 2006

On Jan 5, 2006, at 2:33 AM, Peter Chadwick wrote:

> Rich said:
> >Sometimes cheaper turns out to be way more expensive.<
> This is very true, but a lot of CEOs (and other managers, for that 
> matter) can't  see it!
The CEO of Ford Motor Co saw no reason why the company should spend 
additional money for high-temp solid-state components in Ford's 
ignition system since there had only been a few dozen fatal accidents 
caused by engine stalling on hot days.  When the story got into 
newspapers, Ford's CEO was given his walking papers.  Those who don't 
see the term: corporate ethics as an oxymoron need to take a look at 
Ken Lay's Enron.

cheerz, Peter

> 73
> Peter G3RZP

Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.

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