[Amps] Ten Tec Herc 444 (original Herc)

John Popelish jpopelish at rica.net
Thu Jan 19 19:21:12 EST 2006

Jim Brown wrote:
> As it warms up, the voltage to which the power supply regulates 
> drifts up and causes the protection circuit to engage, which 
> prevents it from transmitting. TenTec told me this was a known 
> problem, but that since they had to discontinue the amp (thanks 
> to Motorola discontinuing the output devices), they had not put 
> in the engineering time to fix the drift problem. 
> Mine is in good shape, but I need to fix the regulator drift 
> problem. If anyone knows how, I'd love to hear about it so that 
> I don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Can you point me toward a schematic of the regulator?  This doesn't 
sound like a very difficult fix.

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