[Amps] 813 Amplifiers & Key Clicks...

Ed Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Sun Jan 22 11:44:20 EST 2006

Good Day All,

I've only just joined this group to-day, so please forgive me if it might appear that I'm attempting to re-hash old stuff that's already been discussed to death...

I'm interested in the group experience about the 813 as a linear amplifier, and key clicks --- specific parameters to stick to, things to avoid, etc.

I believe I may well be onto something here that's been plaguing me for some time --- the bottom line, is that I may well have been barking up the wrong tree in my search for elimination of this particular problem!

Many thanks in advance for any & all feedback/info...

~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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