[Amps] fan experts

Mike Bondarev mikebond at tochka.ru
Sun Jan 29 08:22:36 EST 2006

This is the same blower as used in OM-2500 PA. I saw this amp. during
Contest Club Finland meeting last weekend. Looks very nice inside.
Look at http://www.galco.com/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=Galco-Web/WA/WCat/Catalog.htm?listtype=Catalog&search-part=D2E097-BE01-65-EBM
This is what I need! But how to buy? The on line shop is for W/VE only!
I'm crying!

>> does anyone know a good fan expert, seems we need one bad, real bad,

> I'm no expert, but those German blowers with the pot metal housings and
> capacitor start are the finest and quietest I've ever used. 

> (((73)))
> Phil Clements, K5PC

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