[Amps] Broadband noise

zl1aih at ihug.co.nz zl1aih at ihug.co.nz
Mon Jul 3 18:29:56 EDT 2006

Vic  K2VCO wrote :-

>This is apparently a problem with most or all 
modern transceivers.  On
our annual field day my club operates a CW and an 
SSB station.  We use
switched bandpass filters on both rigs and do our 
best to site
antennas to reduce coupling. When both stations are 
on the same band,
closing the PTT in the SSB station causes a loud 
hiss at the CW
station. Interference from the SSB operator's actual 
speech is quite
weak or nonexistent compared to the wideband hiss.  
This year I heard
this from at least three different radios from all the 
major Japanese
manufacturers. -- 73, Vic, K2VCO>

At our Multi-One/Multi-Two contest station, we 
experienced a similar problem with the transceivers 
available - the broadband hiss between CW 
elements caused such severe interstation 
interference on any band that it was impossible to 
operate as a Multi.   Stub and bandpass filters made 
no difference.
The transceivers included IC-746Pro, IC-781 and 
TS-2000 - antennas >300' apart.
My two K2s had not been considered because the 
other members of the team refused to believe such a 
small radio could be any good in contest conditions.
We now use the 781 as the 'run' radio, and a K2 plus 
amp for the 'mult' radio - no interference (except right 
on harmonics - very narrow) at 500w each.
We thought the 746Pro and TS-2000 had developed 
faults - now I'm not so sure.
Ken ZL1AIH (ZM1A, Auckland Contest Club)

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