[Amps] Safety grounding - was Mains Isolation Transformer

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Mon Jul 3 20:40:50 EDT 2006

> "I have a Johnson Viking Invader 2000 TX.  The power supply is on a 
> separate
chassis from the RF section.  In the PS, Johnson used the chassis as the
neutral for the low voltage transformers, etc. (driver, fans, bias, and
filament supplies) that run on 120V.  The chassis is also connected to

> I have considered rewiring to run separate wires for the neutral."

That was a common wiring practice back then and exists on the Alpha 70/77 
series amps.  The corrective action for this equipment is to lift the 
neutral circuit from the chassis and add another conductor -- keeping ground 
and neutral isolated.  Fortunately, in the case of the Alpha 70/77 series, 
the bond between neutral and ground is found as a small jumper on the 
Cinch-Jones power plug and only needs to be cut along with a new four-wire 
line cord added.

If the line cord is hard-wired on the Johnson Invader, you'll need to 
dispense with it and add a four-wire type.  Four-wire hardware can be found 
at Home Depot and Lowes.  I ended up purchasing 30-amp, 4-wire, Leviton 
Twist-Lock plugs and sockets for both Alpha amps.

Paul, W9AC

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