[Amps] Grid fuses (was: Life and gain of 3-500Z)

R L Measures r at somis.org
Fri Jul 21 00:53:17 EDT 2006

On Jul 20, 2006, at 9:10 AM, Bill Turner wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 07:16:18 -0700, you wrote:
>> If the tube is not gassy, and the grid is floating, the electron
>> stream from the cathode probably raises the grid-cathode (fil-CT)
>> potential to a few volts negative.
> ------------ REPLY SEPARATOR ------------
> I have observed this phenomenon in small receiving tubes with the grid
> floating. No doubt it applies to their big brothers as well.
> My understanding is the grid accumulates electrons from either the
> space charge surrounding the cathode or the cathode-anode electron
> stream and has no way of getting rid of them. Thus the grid becomes
> negatively charged to a small extent. This negative charge repels
> additional electrons from accumulating and a balance is achieved.
> Willing to stand corrected if necessary.

You got it right, Bill.
> Bill, W6WRT

R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org

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