[Amps] Before I turn on my amplifier . . . . . .

n3nd at aol.com n3nd at aol.com
Sat Jul 22 09:06:18 EDT 2006

I recently had an amp failure. Upon inspection, I found remnants of an 
arc between the bottom of the plate choke and chassis - which had 
jumped substantially across an insulator.  In the Ten-Tec Centurion 
amplifier, the plate choke is positioned immediately adjacent to the 
internal fan which blows across the choke and tubes.

The insulator between the choke and chassis was melted as well and my 
initial thought is that a critter had gotten itself across the chokes 
HV winding and chassis.  I have a replacement choke and insulator and 
am readying to replace them.  My question is, before I turn the amp on 
after component replacement, should I look for something else or is 
there concurrence that my suspicions have merit?

The original incident happened while transmitting.

Amp:  Ten-Tec Centurion

Dan -- N3ND
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