[Amps] Fw: "Tubes 201" - How Vacuum Tubes Really Work

John Vickers wa4tt at nlamerica.com
Tue Jul 25 10:00:54 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom W8JI"
> http://www.w8ji.com/images/Amplifier/Bias%20and%20grid%20fuse/Electronic-Designers-Handbo.

Mr Rauch,
The above link to Giocoletto's text seems to be broken. Maybe something 
missing on the end of URL . The other links worked fine. I appreciate the 
time you and others devote to providing factual information. In the internet 
age, much is being diluted or lost entirely. Not just concerning  amps, but 
every subject imaginable. There's Snake-oil lurking behind every click of 
the mouse !
73, John WA4TT

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