[Amps] PIN diode mods

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Wed Jul 26 06:48:07 EDT 2006

Then FT-1000D is a low end radio!
2nd order IMD improves over 20 dB when doing
PIN diode mod.
By the same time IMDDR3 2 kHz spaceing improves
approx 15 dB.
Voodoo....yeah right!


Craig wrote:
> Most of the early PIN diode mods came from the information and articles 
> by Ulrich Rohde  N1UL.
> The PIN diode mods were mostly for 2nd order  IMD  problems. There were 
> claims for  some minor improvements in blocking and 3rd order dynamic 
> range. However i seem recall most of the mods applied to low end radios 
> like the TS450 and TS50 which suffered  badly from  2nd  order IMD  in 
> places like Europe. I also seem to recall  that Signal One started 
> promoting the supposed advantages of the HP PIN diodes in the Mil 
> Packaged IC-781.
>  Maybe  Ulrich with his well respected HF credentials and his vast 
> experience with collocated HF transmitters and receivers in military 
> markets became  the main   focus   for all his  measured  improvements.  
> The data measured  with very  wide spaced high 3rd order intercept 
> points may be valid using  better PIN diodes in  such a severe RF 
> environments. Only he could answer these questions.
> Craig

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