[Amps] FW: Changes to this Reflector

Administrator amps at myrealbox.com
Mon Jun 5 09:53:57 EDT 2006

In view of recent comments on the list, I am forwarding a posting 
from the late Bill Fisher, W4AN.  While the list is not returning 
to full moderation mode, please note Bill's comments on what is 
not acceptable on this list. 

In particular, the list will not tolerate personal insults - even 
if 'intended' as a joke.  Over the last few years, this list has 
lost too many good amp builders and representatives of several 
manufacturers/suppliers due to the bad manners, insults and snake 
oil that often dominate the content here.  

Further, the meta discussions about the operation of the list are 
off-limits.  Anyone who does not like the way the list operates 
and is not willing to behave in a gentlemanly manner is welcome 
to unsubscribe and go elsewhere.  

If anyone has comments, feel free to respond directly to me.  
Do not post your comments to the list.  


   ... Administrator 
       amps at contesting.com 

-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] 
      On Behalf Of Bill Fisher, W4AN
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 10:26 AM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] Changes to this Reflector

Hello Ampoids,

I've decided to make some changes to this reflector based on feedback 
I've received from some of the membership as well as the list admin.
So here is the deal...

This list is now in 100% moderation mode.  

What does 100% moderation mean?  

Well, it means that any message you send to this reflector will be 
reviewed by someone before it is approved and shows up for the list 
at large to read.  

Who does the moderation?

Several people have signed up to help do the moderating.  Who that 
will be, will depend on a lot of different things.  

What doesn't make it through to the list?
  a.. Personal attacks.  If you disagree with someone's opinion on 
      this list, you should be able to do so without insults.  

  b.. Off subject posts.  

  c.. Personal mail - Thanking someone or the group for help should 
      be done in personal mail and not sent to the entire list.  
      When responding to a question posted to the list, your reply 
      should be of benefit to the list as a whole.  If the response 
      is of benefit to only the person asking the question, then 
      respond to only that person. 

  d.. Meta-discussion about the Amps mailing list. These should be 
      conducted in private with the list owner.

Bill Fisher - W4AN

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