[Amps] re :NIB HeathKit Amp

KR4DA kr4da at bellsouth.net
Sun Jun 25 20:49:38 EDT 2006

I agree.. it's WORTH more as a unbuilt kit then assembled
AND SELL it on EBAY the buyers there get in a real frenzy when it comes 
to unbuilt heath
kits. Sorry I searched and could not find a value for this unbuilt kit.
Go to this web page and get some more insite.

AA6DX - Mark wrote:

>UNLESS you are particularly enamored with the Heath Green ..Sell it on "the 
>bay" .. you will get a ton of money, then be able to buy a way bigger 
>amplifier, utilizing state-of-the-art electronics, and ... don't have to 
>build it, nor worry about the status of the elderly components!  Just my 
>opine .. 73
>Mark Nelson  -  AA6DX
>mailto: AA6DX at ARRL.NET
>I have acquired a Heathkit SB-1000 amplifier unbuilt kit. Before I
>decide to build it or sell it, would
>like to find out what it would be worth in an unbuilt state. The main
>box had been opened and the
>manual removed for reading., the other inner boxes have not been opened
>or anything else removed.
>It also came with the QSK kit which was an option from Heathkit (it was
>factory assmebled). Please
>contact me off list.Thanks for reading. ..............dennis   ve6ac
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