[Amps] International Radio Service Division

Floyd Sense fsense at charter.net
Wed Mar 1 16:32:53 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "FoxRun" <foxrun at velocity.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 2:29 PM
Subject: [Amps] International Radio Service Division

<<snip>> Second, I remember not to long ago when several people were 
suddenly having
> problems with a company that did maintenance and upgrade work on Drake
> equipment, which was very uncharacteristic of that company.  In the end I
> recollect that it turned out the company's principal (and only employee) 
> had
> been involved in a very bad traffic accident and was unable to run the
> business for quite some time.  Were people inconvenienced...Yes.  Was it
> volitional...No.  It was an accident.
> So some patience and benefit of the doubt may go a long way toward getting
> things resolved in a diplomatic manner.  Maybe the poor guy is having a
> health problem, family crisis, or other emergency. We really don't
> know...When cool heads prevail everybody wins.
> My very best regards,
> Scott W3TX

Sorry, Scott, but this is one of those cases where not knowing history dooms 
one to repeat it.  The subject company has been doing business this way for 
at least 6-7 years, so I think we can assume that it will continue ad 
infinitem and patience on the part of the victims won't make things any 
better.  Over the years, no reasons have ever been given for the strange 
operation of the "business".  At one point, they offered some interesting 
and unique products associated with the tuning rate of Kenwood transceivers 
(940 and others).  I have no idea whether they are a competent repair 
station or not, but I'd certainly NEVER send anything to them given their 
long history of outrageously poor customer service.

73, Floyd - K8AC 

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