[Amps] testing 572 B tubes

alan.kaul@att.net alan.kaul at att.net
Sat Mar 4 13:44:47 EST 2006

-------------- Original message ----------------------

> In "Ham Radio Magazine"April 1978 there was an article titled  "Testing
> Power Tubes"
> by Joe Carr K4IPV (SK). It covered the basics in transmitting tube
> testing and evaluation.

CQ Magazine online store has a CD set for $59.95 --- HR Magazine 1977-1983.
Anyone have the CD?  Or the original magazine?


I forgot to mention, my AMP is a Clipperton L with 4 x 572 B's .... 400-600W is about half of
the power I expected.

73 de alan

Alan Kaul W6RCL LaCanada, CA 91011
e-mail:  w6rcl at amsat.org

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