[Amps] For cats sake!

Barrie Smith barrie at centric.net
Sun Mar 5 19:46:26 EST 2006

> "HV is readily accessible to my wife's relatively new and very curious 
> cats... Other than going QRT, any comments on an approach"
> 1.  Do not pet the cat when it is near the high voltage.
> 2.  If cat gets zapped, hide the body.  Do not tell wife.  Let wife think 
> cat ran away.  Plead ignorance.
> 3.  If (2) does not work, put cat corpse out in street so someone runs 
> over it.  Show wife.
> 4.  Make sure power supply is fused so zapped cat does not take out high 
> voltage power supply.
> Colin  K7FM

Good points, all; however, I like the cats, almost as much as 432 EME. 

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