[Amps] Threads - was idiocy - perhaps it still is

HAROLD B MANDEL ka1xo at juno.com
Tue Mar 14 07:36:13 EST 2006

Has anyone ever heard of the new Royal Enfield
motorcycle, currently manufactured in Bombay?

These gems have a collection of threads that require five
completely different sets of wrenches.

Yes, they sport USF, USC, Whitworth, Metric, BSC and BSC.

And they come unassembled with a nice big bag
of screws and other assorted fasteners.

On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 05:11:35 +0000 (GMT) Roger Parsons <ve3zi at yahoo.com>
> For what it's worth, Whitworth threads did vary the
> pitch depending upon the bolt size. They were the
> world's first properly defined thread, and the
> standard British 'coarse' thread for over 100 years.
> BSF (British Standard Fine) was the fine version, and
> BA (British Association) was for small screws. There
> were (are) a myriad of others - BSP (pipe), gas and so
> on and so forth.
> Some British cars of the seventies used metric,
> 'unified' (US) and traditional UK threads on the same
> vehicle. That may or may not have had some bearing on
> what happened to the British car industry... Some
> current US vehicles mix US and metric threads...
> Germany has its own range of 'PG' threads which are
> metric but not to ISO standards...
> The sooner that the whole world adopts ISO metric
> threads for all non-specialist purposes the better! 
> 73 Roger

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