[Amps] Happy birthday to...

Jerry Muller k0tv at arrl.net
Thu Mar 16 11:29:16 EST 2006

Heat transfer also. Many thermodynamics problems have similar forms.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Will Matney" <craxd1 at verizon.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Happy birthday to...

> Speaking of George, did you know that the same formulas for ohms law, are 
> the same in hydraulics? The only difference is the terms are changed. 
> Current = flow, and voltage = pressure. Resistance I'd say is still a 
> resistance like placing a needle valve in line, or changing a pipe/hose 
> size. I'm not sure what the term for resistance would be in hydraulics 
> (restriction?) now since I've not done any of that in probably 7 years? I 
> figure that George seen this in hydraulics, and converted it over to 
> electricity when he seen they worked the same. Hydraulics formulas were 
> out way before electrical. The US military used to teach electronics by 
> using the water theory I think they called it. They compared how water 
> acted being pumped through pipes as compared to a generator pushing 
> electrons through a wire, tube = valve, etc..
> Best,
> Will
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> On 3/16/06 at 7:40 AM Bill Turner wrote:
>>George Ohm, born on this day in 1789, who made it possible for us to
>>get in the internet and argue over stuff. :-)
>>73, Bill W6WRT
>>Amps mailing list
>>Amps at contesting.com
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