[Amps] low cost IRF-MOSFET amps......

peter.voelpel df3kv at t-online.de
Sun Mar 19 06:59:44 EST 2006

The design by DL9AH is modified in the meantime, it does 1KW.
At present there is group of hams busy with it to have 4 of those
modules combined in parallel


-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Dick
Sent: Samstag, 18. März 2006 20:37
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] low cost IRF-MOSFET amps......


Anybody out there with experience in HF amplifiers using low cost

For example I found some designs in German magazines:

in Funkamateur from DK6AE, 250W PEP with 6xIRF820

and in Funk from DJ4WZ claiming 400W from 4xIRF730..........(that sounds a
bit too optimistic to me)

and an older design from DL9AH claiming 750W with 32x IRF730.......

What are realistic figures to expect with the IRF730,820's???

My goal is to build something simple capable of producing at least around
600-800W on 160m CW/SSB.
So, a monoband amplifier; but not class E!
(wonder if anyone tried to use the IRFP450 on 160m........)

Some previous internet search and ask-around work didn't produce a usefull
so therfore my request in the amp-reflector.


Dick, PA4VHF (160m operator at PA6Z)

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