[Amps] tank coil heating

Partain, Chuck Chuck_Partain at maxtor.com
Fri May 12 07:17:31 EDT 2006

Good Info on all the responses I'm figuring out more as I go along. I DO have a chimney
made up that comes off. things have changed some. I'll retake more up to date pics
and post them there. I'm only using one cap now and its tied in differently, but as
I read, its the wrong type so thats going to change. Yea, I looked at how to switch it
in with only using one band switch section but gave up and tried this, not good for 20m
but works well on the lower freqs. Yup, first time and hopefully the NEXT one will be
much better! I changed to the copper strap on the plate choke to anode when I got into the
machine shop and found copper :)


ps. thanks for all the input, this is why I ask these things here!

-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Angelo Karabetsos
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:32 PM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] tank coil heating

Hello Chuck,
I took a look at your homepage, great site by the way. I noticed the chimney 
isn't extended to the top of the tank enclosure and it's in close proximity 
of the plate choke and DC blocking capacitors. That will cause excessive 
tank circuit heating/stress and premature component variance-failure. Also, 
I see that you used braided strapping for the anode connection and changed 
it to solid copper strap. Just curious, did you find that it made a 
noticable difference? There's my two cents worth.

Good Luck

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