[Amps] tank coil heating

Partain, Chuck Chuck_Partain at maxtor.com
Fri May 12 09:40:48 EDT 2006

well, thats the #1 item for me to find at the dayton hamfest...

I know with 25k+ attendance it shouldn't be hard to find a 2m freq where people hang out at!

I use 147.450s mostly at local fleas...

any one know of others? '652 will probably be gettin spanked..

#2 will be inductors but i'm limited to size and i'm trying to keep them from the metal walls in that amp

-----Original Message-----
From: R L Measures [mailto:r at somis.org]
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 8:25 AM
To: wc6w at juno.com
Cc: Partain, Chuck; amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] tank coil heating

On May 11, 2006, at 5:09 PM, wc6w at juno.com wrote:

> Hi Chuck,
>   I looked at your photos (nice work!) and it appears that you are  
> using a piece of Airdux with perhaps #12 size conductor.  That is a  
> mite small for 20 meters.  I'd suggest upsizing the 20 meter  
> section of the coil to at least 1/8" (#8) or even 5/16" diameter.
>   The load padding capacitor as noted by several others is the  
> wrong type for this application.
>   A few options:
>   1. Change the load vacuum cap to 1400pF and eschew the padder.
>   2. Use a better quality padder.
>       A Jennings JSLF-450
>           or
>       Several Centralab (or equiv.) 850 series ceramic NPO's in  
> parallel

N750s are also suitable for tuned circuit applications.

>           ...

R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org

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