[Amps] 813's

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Sun May 28 05:27:57 EDT 2006

In a message dated 5/27/2006 4:13:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
robert at isquare.com writes:


Took a look at the restoration on this amp, very nice job.  Am I  correct in 
assuming they were NOT using GG here in this design?  It also  amazes me how 
much is involved to gain an output of about 250 watts.  But  none-the-less it 
is a fine looking restoration and on that merit I commend  you! 
 I was once involved with restoring old Corvettes and I always was  amazed of 
how someone would spend a fortune on restoring an old Vette that was  not 
considered a "collector special" year/model Corvette.  The costs are  the pretty 
much the same, but the final value is not.  But sometimes things  like this 
have other value besides MONEY.

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