[Amps] Lets Talk About Padder Caps

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Mon May 29 07:00:13 EDT 2006

Some time ago Ameritron switched from using "doorknob" type caps for their  
padders on their high powered amps to a ceramic wafer type cap. which looks 
like  a piece of chicklet chewing gum.  They did this to address the drifting  
problem.  I assume that they made the change as an "improvement" and would  
think that the new style is more suited for this use.  Therefore you may  want to 
order some of them right from Ameritron since I have seen nothing like  them 
elsewhere.  Ameritron is VERY GOOD about selling any part that is in  their 
amps.  You can go to their web page and download the schematic of any  of the 3 
high powered amps that have these caps in there. ie: AL-82, AL-1200,  AL-1500.  
All 3 use them and you can see the values of these caps in the  schematic.  I 
am sure you can mix them up to get what you need for  yours.

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