[Amps] LK-500 problem

Jim Kearman jkearman at att.net
Mon May 29 07:29:16 EDT 2006

From: Jeff Strailey <liveccam at yahoo.com>
> I recently obtained an Amp Supply LK-500ZB.  The first order of business was the 
> conversion to 120 volt operation.  When the amp is powered plate voltage as 
> measured by the internal meter is about 1500 volts instead of the 3100-3300 vdc

I once bought a used SB-220 that had been "converted" to a full-wave bridge rectifier instead of the full-wave voltage doubler supplied by Heathkit. 

NOTE:  I sure would try to run that amp off 240 V, not 120. 


Jim, KR1S

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