[Amps] Rehabbing that dusty old

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Tue Apr 24 08:21:26 EDT 2007

What we really want is a maximum enrgy transfer into a 
dissipative resistance at the frequency where a VHF 
oscillation might occur, and minimal transfer at other 

This means the inductor path has to be an almost pure 
reactance, while the resistance path has to be a low 
impedance compared to the inductance at VHF.

When we have only two pure components involved, and inductor 
without resistance and a resistor without reactance, the 
slope is 1:1.  Say we have a reactance of 10 ohms at 30 MHz 
and a resistance of 100 ohms.  Every time frequency doubles 
the reactance doubles. The resistance is constant.

If we make the inductor resistive we actually do the 
OPPOSITE  of what is normally desired. Now the slope is 
less, so for the same dissipation at 30 MHZ we have a LOWER 
impedance at higher frequencies.

The correct solution would be to add a capacitor in series 
with the resistor, so the shift is greater as frequency is 
increased. This means for the same dissipation at 30MHz we 
can have much more resistance at VHF.

The optimum resistance (or impedance) of the suppressor 
depends entirely on the anode to tuning capacitor path 
impedance. When that path has a lot of reactance, such as 
one with long thin leads, we need MORE resistance to load 
the system. This means a suppressor with more inductance and 
higher resistance. The problem is this can cause heating at 
ten meters. The solution is really to decrease the impedance 
of the path from anode to the chassis at VHF by using wider 
and shorter anode leads.

The grid is also important. The grid path determines the 
frequency of instability more than any other single 
parameter. The grid leads must be as short, thick, and 
direct as possible. The actually oscillation mechanisim at 
VHF is almost always as a TPTG oscillator , and so when the 
grid is moved UP in frequency  the oscillation, if there is 
one, occurs higher in frequency.

It really has little to do with "VHF gain" of a tube. As a 
matter of fact the most stable tubes are those that have the 
highest VHF gain when used in amplifiers. 8877's are 
significantly more stable than 833's for example.

As for arcing, the idea a VHF parasitic causes an arc in an 
otherwise healty tube is largely nonsense. The peak anode 
voltage compared to the voltage breakdown is the problem. An 
oscillator really doesn't develop any more voltage than an 
amplifier when driven to the same grid current into the same 
load impedance. If you have a healthy 3-500 it will arc at 
12kV or more peak anode voltage, and neither a parasitic nor 
a desired signal will reach that level before another 
component fails. If the tube is bad, say it fails at 6kV, it 
can arc from anything that produces 6kV of peak anode 
voltage....and that can be anything from a desired signal in 
normal operation to an oscillation.

It's very poor thinking to assume decreasing the slope of 
resistance with frequency (by lowering inductor Q) somehow 
improves the suppression at VHF for a given dissipation at 
HF. That  idea shouldn't make sense to anyone who thinks 
about how the system works.

If the problem is not enough resistance at VHF then the 
solution is to increase inductance at HF along with the size 
of the shunt  resistance. This would keep dissipation the 
same at HF while increasing loading at VHF by making the 
series resistance a larger portion of the impedance of the 
anode path. If that doesn't work well enough than a 
capacitor can be placed in series with the resistance or in 
shunt with the inductance to increase the slope of 
resistance to reactance change as frequency is increased.

The important thing to understand is the entire system and 
how it works. The grid needs a short direct ground to the 
chassis, the anode path needs to be short with low VHF 
impedance, and the suppressor must dominate that path at VHF 
and look nearly invisible at HF if you want to maintain ten 
meter performance.

The idea a VHF oscillation will make a healthy tube arc is 
almost silly. It's grasping at very unlikely straws.

73 Tom

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