[Amps] Smith Chart program

Jim Tonne tonne at comcast.net
Wed Apr 25 19:29:21 EDT 2007


I am toying around with writing a Windows program
for the Smith Chart.  I have two questions for the group:

1.   What would you like to see (or avoid) in such a routine?
2.   What program(s) do you currently use?

Consider this a user-driven development.  If all goes well,
we will have the ability to cascade several elements (series or
shunt Cs or Ls, lines) between an item and the viewpoint.
An optimizer to enable matching over a frequency range is
on the list of things to consider.  So is the ability to read the
outputs of current NEC programs to allow matchng your rig 
to an antenna.
- Jim Tonne   Tonne Software   WB6BLD

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